Interest rate risk modeling pdf

It turns out that this approach works not just for equity derivatives but can be generalized for interest and credit cases as well. Intensive developments in the field of interest rate modeling have delivered a bold but confusing model selection choice for financial engineers, risk managers, and investment analysts. Preface to the fourth edition model applications and alm models have developed rapidly since the 2006 edition of this. To meet the demands of their customers and communities and to execute business strategies, banks make loans, purchase securities, and take deposits with different maturities and interest rates. As part of its ongoing efforts to address international bank supervisory issues, the basle committee on banking supervision1 is.

These paths should be risk neutral, meaning that interest rate models is important to consider in the solvency ii framework. Factor models for asset returns and interest rate modelsand interest rate models scottish financial risk academy, march 15, 2011 eric zivot robert richards chaired professor. In this thesis we have studied three di erent interest rate models, namely. We will gain practice in estimating the term structure from market data. Due to the rising level of interest rate risk in the banking industry, regulators. Hurd department of mathematics and statistics mcmaster university hamilton, on, l8s 4k1. Every security in the risk neutral world grows on average with the risk free rate.

Interest rate risk modeling 3 a typical example of a market participant interested in managing interest rate risk is a commercial bank whose assets mostly consist of fixed and floating rate loans some with. The interest rate model is specified under the realworld measure, and the result is used as to generate scenarios for interest rates. Interestinsensitive deposit balances and slow adjusting deposit rates are thought to produce long deposit durations. An interest rate model 7 description of the model h is the amount of time between dates in the tree measured in years. The first book on interest rate risk modeling examines virtually every wellknown irr model used for pricing and risk analysis of various fixed income securities. Foundations and vanilla models, 492 pages volume 2. In an organisation where the core operations are something other than financial services, such financial risk should. April 2019 interest rate risk and maturities matching return. Changes in interest rates affect a banking corporations earnings by changing its net interest income and the level of other income including changes in non interest revenuesexpenses. Stochastic modeling is a form of financial model that is used to help make investment decisions. This includes using an interestrate risk measurement commensurate with the risk on the banks balance sheet. A method of modeling interest rate movement that describes the movement of an interest rate as a factor of market risk, time and equilibrium value that the rate tends.

Mccutcheonscott chapter 12, ct1 unit 14 this lecture brie. A framework for managing interest rate risks about the authors geetha venkataramani is an assistant consultant with the risk management and banking practice in the banking and financial services bfs business unit at tata consultancy services. The interest rate model is specified under the realworld measure, and the result is used as to generate. Interest rate risk irr is defined as the potential for changing market interest rates to adversely affect a banks earnings or capital. Also, management should present summary model results regularly to the board. Interest risk management is very important for financial institutions. Basel committee on banking supervision consultative. How should financial institutions determine which irr vendor models are appropriate. Sources of interest rate risk repricing risk banks in their capacity as financial brokers face interest rate risk every day.

A framework for modeling the liquidity and interest rate risk of demand deposits abstract the objective of this report is to carry out a prestudy and develop a framework for how the liquidity and interest rate risk of a banks demand deposits can be modeled. Unlike the other four types, interest rate risk has a. Lecture 15 stochastic interest rates and corporate bonds reading. Interest rate risk is a banks exposure to adverse movements in interest rates. Interest rate modeling market models, products and risk management following ap101, ap102 and ap103 alan marc watson july 5, 2016 abstract this document contains a brief summary of. Theory and practice, 2nd edition portrays the theory of interest rate modeling as a threedimensional object of finance, mathematics, and computation.

Tools and techniques for integrated credit risk and interest rate risk management pp. Advisory on interest rate risk management the advisory. Interest rate risk deposit assumptions created date. Chapter 7 interest rate models and bond pricing the riskless interest rate has been assumed to be constant inmost ofthe pricing models discussed in previous chapters. Choosing the right assetliability management model and keeping it verified. Estimating the value and interest rate risk of interest. We show that this notion is not correct when market rates exhibit meanreversion, which is a standard modeling assumption. Ideally, the model should allow for a wide variety of. We will now consider onefactor models for the term structure of interest rates within a continuoustime framework. Factor models for asset returns and interest rate modelsand interest rate models scottish financial risk academy, march 15, 2011 eric zivot robert richards chaired professor of economicsrobert richards chaired professor of economics adjunct professor, departments of applied mathematics, finance and statistics. Interest rate modelling financial engineering general. Interest rate risk is the risk to income or capital arising from fluctuating interest rates. This booklet provides an overview of interest rate risk comprising repricing risk, basis risk, yield curve risk, and options risk and discusses irr management practices. Lecture 15 stochastic interest rates and corporate bonds.

Interest rate risk management at community banks by doug gray, managing examiner, federal reserve bank of kansas city. The new basel committee on banking supervision bcbs standards for irrbb come into force january 1. This is done by rst calibrating a vasicek short rate model and then. As interest rate markets continue to innovate and expand it is becoming increasingly important to remain uptodate with the latest practical and theoretical developments. Developing the key assumptions for analysis of interest rate risk. Praise for interest rate risk modeling this first book in the fixed income valuation course provides a solid, uptodate introduction to the field of interest rate risk, and covers all bases in leading up to the. The advisory reiterates the need for sound management of interest rate risk irr and highlights sound practices. Each of the financial regulators has published guidance on interest rate risk. Interest rate risk in the banking book irrbb more specifically refers to the current or prospective risk to the banks capital. Developing the key assumptions for analysis of interest. We will learn how to apply the basic tools duration and convexity for managing the interest rate risk of a bond portfolio. Interest rate risk federal deposit insurance corporation. The definitive guide to fixed income valuation and risk analysis the trilogy in fixed income valuation and risk analysis comprehensively covers the most definitive work on interest rate risk, term structure analysis, and credit risk.

Due to the rising level of interest rate risk in the banking industry, regulators are paying more attention to interest rate risk models. One needs to simulate different stock paths in the riskneutral world, calculate the average of the payoff, and discount. This type of system is referred to as realworld model in this book. Long horizon rent dynamics also are important to interest rate risk estimates. Manual of reporting forms and instructions for deposittaking institutions date. Containing many results that are new, or which exist only in recent research articles, interest rate modeling. One needs to simulate different stock paths in the risk neutral world, calculate the average of the payoff, and discount. Interest rate risk measurement relies heavily on deposit assumptions beta weighted average life decay rates analyze historical data and adjust for qualitative factors to support assumptions perform sensitivity analyses. Interest rate modelling is an encyclopedic treatment of interest rates and their related financial derivatives. Interest insensitive deposit balances and slow adjusting deposit rates are thought to produce long deposit durations. Interest rate risk modeling 3 a typical example of a market participant interested in managing interest rate risk is a commercial bank whose assets mostly consist of fixed and floating rate loans some with embedded options, while its liabilities consist of deposits in checking, savings, money market accounts, and some debt securities. This booklet applies to the occs supervision of national banks and federal savings associations. It turns out that this approach works not just for equity derivatives but can be. Each value in the tree represents the short rate or interest rate for a zero with maturity h.

Balance sheets have become more complex and dynamic, making performance measurement and risk analysis needs greater than ever. A framework for modeling the liquidity and interest rate risk. The first book on interest rate risk modeling examines virtually every wellknown irr model used for pricing and risk analysis of various fixed income securities and their derivatives. Interest rate modeling for risk management addresses interest rate modeling for risk management.

Such an assumption is acceptable when the interest rate is not the dominant state variable that determines the option payo. Interagency advisory on interest rate risk management. Duration and convexity model duration is the most commonlyyg used risk measure for measuring the interest rate risk exposure of a security. Do these modeling issues sound familiar should a mortgage bank assess the interest rate risk using the lognormal blackkarasinski model or using the normal hull. The book describes fully the broad range of approaches to interest rate modelling. Modeling nonmaturity deposits 02468 10 12 deposit base. We will learn the basic facts from stochastic calculus that will enable you to engineer a large variety of stochastic interest rate models. These include the libor, bonds, forward rate agreements, swaps, interest rate futures, caps, floors, and swaptions.

Mortgage investors, mortgage servicers, and other owners of mortgage related. Preface to the fourth edition model applications and alm models have developed rapidly since the 2006 edition of this publication. Pdf hjm interest rate modeling with two risk factors. Interest rate modeling market models, products and risk management following ap101, ap102 and ap103 alan marc watson july 5, 2016 abstract this document contains a brief summary of andersen and piterbargs superb threevolume treatise on xedincome derivatives. A framework for the actuarial profession abstract this paper summarizes the research project on modeling of economic series coordinated with interest rate scenarios initiated by the joint request for proposals by the casualty actuarial society and the society of actuaries.

Whitepaper interest rate risk in the banking book irrbb. Praise for interest rate risk modeling this first book in the fixed income valuation course provides a solid, uptodate introduction to the field of interest rate risk, and covers all bases in leading up to the complex area of fixedincome option models. Principles for the management of interest rate risk summary 1. Running a reliable modeling process requires the use of sound and accurate assumptions. Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of an interestdependent asset such as a loan or a bond will worsen due to interest rateasset, such as a loan or a bond, will worsen due to interest rate movements. This type of modeling forecasts the probability of various outcomes under different.

Market risk management in banks models for analysis and assessment 397 1. In particular, we will consider how to price bonds given a onefactor diffusion model for the. Thus, as illustrated by much recent research, a joint macro. Essentials of effective interest rate risk measurement by emily greenwald, assistant vice president, federal reserve bank of chicago and doug gray, managing examiner, federal reserve bank of kansas city. Later chapters cover some related topics, including numerical methods, credit risk, and model calibration.

In the vasicek model, the short rate is assumed to satisfy the stochastic di. Essentials of effective interest rate risk measurement. This paper surveys the main concepts and techniques of recent developments in the modeling of the term structure of interest rates that are used in the risk management and valuation of interest rate dependent cash flows. Examples of risks that are hedged by insurance companies are interest rate risk, credit risk, currency risk and equityrelated risk related to variable annuities, for example. These activities may leave a banks earnings and capital exposed to movements in interest rates. Theory and practice, 2nd edition portrays the theory of interest rate modeling as a. Vasicek interest rate model definition investopedia. Interest rate risk is one of five types of risk that are not specific to the firm that affect the return on investments in stocks and bonds.

This frequently asked questions document responds to the most common questions. It combines advanced theory with extensive and downtoearth data analysis in a way which is truly unique. Documenting assumptions in interest rate risk models by dallas wells, vicepresident, asset management group, inc. Over the past few years, the banking industry has faced significant earnings challenges. Cit ll l tdti idi lconvexity usually complements duration, providing a closer. As interest rates rise bond prices fall, and vice versa. Interest rate risk should be managed where fluctuations in interest rate impact on the organisations profitability. This course gives you an easy introduction to interest rates and related contracts. Apr 12, 2020 interest rate risk is the potential that a change in overall interest rates will reduce the value of a bond or other fixed rate investment. Guidance providing sound risk management practices to manage interest rate risk exposures. Management of interest rate risk in the banking book irrbb is starting to receive much more attention, after a long period in which other regulatory and risk management issues dominated the headlines. Interest rate modeling market models, products and risk. Interest rate risk management at community banks community. Documenting assumptions in interest rate risk models.